2008年10月26日 星期日

First midterms in USC finished

I take my first midterm, Random Process, in Zumberge Hall of Science, which is a very strange building.

At the first glance I felt lost when i got into the buiding.

It's a litte like the Physics Building of NTHU. XD

於是我馬上退出去,然後照著教授建議的門,找到考試的教室XD 哈 我怕遲到

I went to Parkside, which is a buffet on campus, with Fred. The cost is $8, $10 and $12 for morning, noon, and evening, respectively. The beef steak, sweet and sour chicken, and pizza taste delicious. Everything else is bad, especiallly, dessert. All dessert suck! Ice cream, blueberry pie, Brownie. 這個Brownie 一切就碎掉了XD 有夠扯。

After taking three midterms here, I think that exam questions are much easier than what I have taken in NTHU. They emphasize understanding of class materials. Problems hard to prove will not appear in a 80-minute exam. As a result, I feel no pressure anymore!





松脂有一種香味 但是超黏的XD


