2009年7月22日 星期三

Cast Away

"I know what I have to do now. I have to keep breathing.

Because tomorrow the sun will rise.

Who knows what the tide could bring."

The day before yesterday, I dreamed of my advisor =.=

In the dream, he gave me some suggestion and pointed out a improving method about the optimization problem with which I am dealing in the real life.

However, after I woke up, I cannot remember what the method he showed in the dream. XD

Today, I have thought a method to improve the efficiency although I do not know whether my method is the same as what my advisor said in the dream.

Ha, hope that I can finish the problem as soon as possible and begin a new paper.


他是左手寫字, 然後他把筆記順時鐘轉九十度, 接著開始直得抄下來

也就是說 他的英文是直的寫!!! 超炫!!

更厲害的是 那門課都是數學.......數學式子也可以直得寫嗎!


難怪我用左手寫英文字的時候寫不順,哈 以後要練一下左手直行寫!!

One has a feeling that changes everyday.

However, that makes no difference.

Whether one still seize the dream and future,

is somthing that counts.

I thought I could wait for something.......

2009年7月15日 星期三

My Poor English T.T 其實是抱怨文?

I just fininshed my personal meeting with my advisor.

After I got home, a woman who wanted to know whether the apartment is good talked to me.

Because I cannot understand her first question, she said "Can you speak English?" XD

So sad.

This happened just after my personal meeting with my advisor, which was a 40 minutes long discussion of research.

However, i am not good at daily conversation.

Anyway, i have talked to her for about 10~15 minutes. I realized that my English is quite poor!

Ha, i need improve common conversation.

I can notice the tense she used and my grammer errors.

My advisor has lots of ideas!!
I am working on EAQECC.
He talked about classically inhanced QECC two weeks ago and mentioned fault-tolerent EAQECC today.
Hope i can finish my present work as soon as possible.
I wanna begin to deal with the other two problems!!

最好笑是 他每次都講一下他的想法 然後說 ".....if you see what i am saying .....if you see what i am saying......if you see what i am saying"

真想跟他說 "i cannot see anything!" XD

最近在想 如果我跟一個朋友抱怨一個人



如果聽我訴苦的朋友也認識那個人的話 就有可能會影響他對那個人的看法

但是如果聽我說話的朋友不認識那個人 講起來就沒有感覺


哈 可惜不能跟自己聊天
  • 留言者: Cee
  • Email: kikicolly@hotmail.com
  • 網址:
  • 日期: 2009-10-09 16:24:17
——".....if you see what i am saying .....if you see what i am saying......if you

see what i am saying"

—— "i cannot see anything!" XD


how could u get so penetrating insight into those trivias of everyday things?

interesting! & admirable. :)

2009年7月13日 星期一

Feedback Control:心靜如止水 人言可畏 於我如浮雲

覺得以前在抱怨事情 多半是 別人很吵 寫作業很煩 上課很煩 這種小事


這個跟 特定群體的思考力、理解力、判斷力 有關係嗎?

我一向覺得無所謂的事 都可以蠻得很誇張

很平常的事 變得很神奇 很自然的事 變得很特別

為什麼我在作什麼 要胡亂猜測

或者說 "事實" 與 "憶測" 的差別

前者沒有感覺 後者不管是真是假 聽了就是會不爽

沒什麼事可以作 就是剩一張嘴

然後開玩笑 變成 別人耳中不一定是玩笑話

是因為環境小 人與人之間的接觸比較密集?


說穿了 還是跟個人素養有關係

突然覺得自己的修養變差了 脾氣也變差了


明知道 無聊 偏偏又愛計較

不想管別人的事情 不在乎別人的想法

但從別人口中聽到自己 感覺又很差


看著別人的行為舉止 也是與我無關 笑笑就算了


但是波浪打過來 卻也失了冷靜


我一向的隨心所欲 處之泰然 呢?


我的自信與冷靜似乎開始不均衡 為何有時候會失去冷靜


討厭別人潑我冷水 尤其是我也知道的事 不需要別人的大道理 不需要考慮務實的結果

我就是想作 想怎樣就怎樣 不顧一切

怎樣才可以 在想要的方向 當受到干擾的時候 維持平衡?

feedback control 要作得好XD 但真實生活的feedback control 怎麼培養?




2009年7月12日 星期日


好久沒寫網誌 差不多有半年了

也五個月沒有在bbs 發文章了

用過msn blog, yam blog, 最後還是換回 無名的blog 嘍







想想 還是開始寫文章嘍~~


怎麼樣把bbs 或是別的blog的文章 都轉過來?
